Epub⋙: Ploughshares Winter 1999-00 Guest-Edited by Madison Smartt Bell and Elizabeth Spires by John McManus, Erika Krouse, Sue Owen, Andrew Zawacki, C. Dale Young, Jane Shore, Cleopatra Mathis, Maxine Kumin

Ploughshares Winter 1999-00 Guest-Edited by Madison Smartt Bell and Elizabeth Spires by John McManus, Erika Krouse, Sue Owen, Andrew Zawacki, C. Dale Young, Jane Shore, Cleopatra Mathis, Maxine Kumin

Ploughshares Winter 1999-00 Guest-Edited by Madison Smartt Bell and Elizabeth Spires

Ploughshares Winter 1999-00 Guest-Edited by Madison Smartt Bell and Elizabeth Spires by John McManus, Erika Krouse, Sue Owen, Andrew Zawacki, C. Dale Young, Jane Shore, Cleopatra Mathis, Maxine Kumin PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The Winter 1999-00 issue of Ploughshares, guest-edited by Madison Smartt Bell & Elizabeth Spires. Ploughshares, a journal of new writing, is guest-edited serially by prominent writers who explore different personal visions, aesthetics, and literary circles.

Full Table of Contents

Madison Smartt Bell
Elizabeth Spires


"Black Elvis," by Geoffrey Becker
"The Mourning Party," by Carolyn Cooke
"Happy Birthday" and "White Fang" by Walt Foreman
"False Confessions," by Goerge Garrett
"Israel," by Mary-Beth Hughes
"Engaging Diane," by Bethalee Jones
"Gray Girl," by Cynthia Kadohata"
"Other People's Mothers," by Erika Krouse
"Stop Breaking Down," by John McManus
"Centepides on Skates," by John Robinson


Penelope Austin
Aliki Barnstone
Bruce Beasley
John Bensko
Dinah Berland
A. V. Christie
Michael Collier
Wyn Cooper
Theodore Deppe
Timothy Donnelly
Carol Frost
Frank X. Gaspar
Brian Glasner
Greg Glazner
Loren Graham
Laurie Greer
Allen Grossman
Jeffrey Harrison
William Heyen
Cynthia Huntington
JonathanDavid Jackson
Josephine Jacobsen
Bethalee Jones
Samara Kanegis
Maxine Kumin
David Lehman
Phillis Levin Kathy Mangan
Cleopatra Mathis
Jonathan Musgrove
D. Nurkse
Sue Owen
Patrick Phillips
Stanley Plumly
Lia Pirpura
Jane Shore
Christine Steward
Susan Stewart
Virgil Suarez
Jennifer Tseng
Michael Tyrell
Belle Waring
Michael Waters
Charles Harper Webb
Mark Wunderlich
C. Dale Young
Andrew Zawacki

Wyn Cooper
A. V. Christie

Zacharis Award Winner Elizabeth Gilbert

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Read Ploughshares Winter 1999-00 Guest-Edited by Madison Smartt Bell and Elizabeth Spires by John McManus, Erika Krouse, Sue Owen, Andrew Zawacki, C. Dale Young, Jane Shore, Cleopatra Mathis, Maxine Kumin for online ebook

Ploughshares Winter 1999-00 Guest-Edited by Madison Smartt Bell and Elizabeth Spires by John McManus, Erika Krouse, Sue Owen, Andrew Zawacki, C. Dale Young, Jane Shore, Cleopatra Mathis, Maxine Kumin Free PDF d0wnl0ad, audio books, books to read, good books to read, cheap books, good books, online books, books online, book reviews epub, read books online, books to read online, online library, greatbooks to read, PDF best books to read, top books to read Ploughshares Winter 1999-00 Guest-Edited by Madison Smartt Bell and Elizabeth Spires by John McManus, Erika Krouse, Sue Owen, Andrew Zawacki, C. Dale Young, Jane Shore, Cleopatra Mathis, Maxine Kumin books to read online.

Ploughshares Winter 1999-00 Guest-Edited by Madison Smartt Bell and Elizabeth Spires by John McManus, Erika Krouse, Sue Owen, Andrew Zawacki, C. Dale Young, Jane Shore, Cleopatra Mathis, Maxine Kumin Doc

Ploughshares Winter 1999-00 Guest-Edited by Madison Smartt Bell and Elizabeth Spires by John McManus, Erika Krouse, Sue Owen, Andrew Zawacki, C. Dale Young, Jane Shore, Cleopatra Mathis, Maxine Kumin Mobipocket
Ploughshares Winter 1999-00 Guest-Edited by Madison Smartt Bell and Elizabeth Spires by John McManus, Erika Krouse, Sue Owen, Andrew Zawacki, C. Dale Young, Jane Shore, Cleopatra Mathis, Maxine Kumin EPub
