Epub⋙: Modern Standard Arabic Grammar: A Learner's Guide by Mohammad T. Alhawary

Modern Standard Arabic Grammar: A Learner's Guide by Mohammad T. Alhawary

Modern Standard Arabic Grammar: A Learner's Guide

Modern Standard Arabic Grammar: A Learner's Guide by Mohammad T. Alhawary PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Modern Standard Arabic Grammar is comprehensive guide that introduces readers to the basic structure and grammar of the Arabic language. Its features include: * Comprehensive coverage of Arabic grammar and structure in current standard use (MSA), from entry level to advanced proficiency * Balanced treatment of the phonological, syntactic, and morphological rules of the Arabic language * An intuitive presentation of grammar rules and structures, in order of frequency and functional use * Straightforward explanations with minimum linguistic jargon and terminology, explaining the key issues Packed throughout with symbols, tables, diagrams, and illustrative examples, this book is essential reading for anyone in the early years of studying the language.

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