The Fourteen Infallibles: A Compilation of Speeches and Lectures by Sayed Ammar Nakshawani
The Fourteen Infallibles: A Compilation of Speeches and Lectures by Sayed Ammar Nakshawani PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
In Imamiyya theological circles the members of the household of the Holy Prophet (s) are referred to as the fourteen infallibles. Namely, the Prophet (s) himself, his daughter Fatima (as), his son-in-law Ali (as), then his grandsons Hassan (as) and Hussein (as) and the nine descendants from Hussein (as): Ali ibn Hussein (as), Muhammad ibn Ali (as), Ja'far ibn Muhammad (as), Musa ibn Ja'far (as), Ali ibn Musa (as), Muhammad ibn Ali (as), Ali ibn Muhammad (as), Hassan ibn Ali (as) and the Messiah known as al-Mahdi (ajfs).About the Author:
Dr. Sayed Ammar Nakshawani is regarded as one of the most powerful speakers in the Muslim world. He was born in 1981 and graduated from the University College, London, as well as the London School of Economics. He was then awarded with an MA in Islamic Studies from Shahid Beheshti University in Iran.
Dr. Nakshawani completed his PhD thesis at the University of Exeter. He has lectured at the university in Classical Islamic History and then pursued further studies at the Islamic Seminary in Damascus, Syria. Currently he is a visiting scholar at the Centre of Islamic Studies, University of Cambridge.
He has written three books - Ramadan Sermons, The Fourteen Infallibles and Hujr b Adi: A Victim of Terror.His fourth book, in the French language, was released in August 2013 with a Foreword by Prof Tariq Ramadan on Islam and France today.
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