Epub⋙: The Pepper in the Gumbo (Cane River Romance) (Volume 1) by Mary Jane Hathaway

The Pepper in the Gumbo (Cane River Romance) (Volume 1) by Mary Jane Hathaway

The Pepper in the Gumbo (Cane River Romance) (Volume 1)

The Pepper in the Gumbo (Cane River Romance) (Volume 1) by Mary Jane Hathaway PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Alice Augustine runs the oldest bookstore in the historic district of Natchitoches and believes technology is the root of most problems. If only more people would turn off the Tv and shut down the computer, the world wouldn't be in the mess it's in. If only she can get the teens she loves to step away from the screens and hold on to their Creole culture. The only person who seems to understand her passion for classic literature is the mysterious website owner, Browning Wordsworth Keats. Paul Olivier comes back to his home town determined to show the people of Cane River that he's not the poor, nerdy kid he once was. He's made a fortune designing video games and opening a giant electronics store right in the snooty historic district will be the crowning glory of his career. Unfortunately, one bookish anti-tech fanatic has decided to do everything she can to keep that from happening. Even worse, she doesn't know that in cyber space, they're kindred spirits. Alice and Paul clash from the start, but nothing is ever quite as it seems. When secrets are revealed, will there be a second chance- for both of them? A romance that brings the humor of You've Got Mail and the deep friendships of 84, Charring Cross Road, this romance will touch the classic literature lover in everyone.

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