Epub⋙: 250 Biggest Mistakes 3rd Year Medical Students Make and How to Avoid Them by Samir P. Desai, Rajani Katta

250 Biggest Mistakes 3rd Year Medical Students Make and How to Avoid Them by Samir P. Desai, Rajani Katta

250 Biggest Mistakes 3rd Year Medical Students Make and How to Avoid Them

250 Biggest Mistakes 3rd Year Medical Students Make and How to Avoid Them by Samir P. Desai, Rajani Katta PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Learn the secrets that set apart the honors from the average medical student. Some students excel in their clinical clerkships, while others remain average. What sets apart these top students? This book was written with the express intent of answering that question. Compiled from discussions with hundreds of faculty, residents, and students, along with extensive review of the scientific literature on the subject of medical education, this book is an invaluable resource.

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