Epub⋙: Shocking Wrestling Plans You Won't Believe Almost Happened by Whatculture.Com

Shocking Wrestling Plans You Won't Believe Almost Happened by Whatculture.Com

Shocking Wrestling Plans You Won't Believe Almost Happened

Shocking Wrestling Plans You Won't Believe Almost Happened by Whatculture.Com PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Featuring a foreword by wrestling legend Jim Cornette, and exclusive stories from former Wwe writers, including Vince Russo. What if Undertaker had hatched out of a giant egg? What if Daniel Bryan hadn't got his WrestleMania Xxx push? What if 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin had been named Chilly McFreeze? All of this nearly happened. What about those plans that never got off the drawing board? How different could the landscape of modern professional wrestling be had some of these shocking plans actually made it onto our screens? WhatCulture.com takes a journey behind the scenes to explore a host of what ifs, what might have beens, and what almost was. We look at proposed matches that never were, characters that could have been very different, booking plans that were changed at the last minute, promotional jumps that nearly happened, and backstage shenanigans that would have changed the business. We take you on a journey into a world of Shocking Wrestling Plans You Won't Believe Almost Happened!

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