Epub⋙: The Lamb and the Fuhrer: Jesus Talks with Hitler (Great Conversations) by Ravi Zacharias

The Lamb and the Fuhrer: Jesus Talks with Hitler (Great Conversations) by Ravi Zacharias

The Lamb and the Fuhrer: Jesus Talks with Hitler (Great Conversations)

The Lamb and the Fuhrer: Jesus Talks with Hitler (Great Conversations) by Ravi Zacharias PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Evil. Hatred. Pride. Destruction.

Peace. Love. Humility. Life.


In this compelling dialogue, two men of contrasting values meet face-to-face. They address fundamental issues of life and death, the evil of violence in light of the value of human life, and the timeless search for unity in diversity. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German pastor Hitler ordered hanged, joins in and the heat intensifies when the three begin to weigh the value of relationships, love, and forgiveness.

You won't want to miss this imaginative discourse that will take you inside the mind of one of the most brutal tyrants of all time. . . and the very God who made him.

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