Epub⋙: Doublespeak: The Rhetoric of the Far Right Since 1945 (Columbia Business School Publishing)

Doublespeak: The Rhetoric of the Far Right Since 1945 (Columbia Business School Publishing)

Doublespeak: The Rhetoric of the Far Right Since 1945 (Columbia Business School Publishing)

Doublespeak: The Rhetoric of the Far Right Since 1945 (Columbia Business School Publishing) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This timely intervention exposes the euphemized language of the extreme right as a deceptive attempt to secure greater influence over public policy. Since the end of World War II, the extreme right has made strategic use of "doublespeak," which apes the language of liberal democracy. Attentive observation and accurate recognition of these tactics means taking the extreme right's deliberately crafted slogans, symbols, and themes seriously. These essays investigate the extreme right's attempts at "repackaging" contemporary ultranationalism to make it more palatable to mainstream European and American tastes.

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